So I want to talk about self-care and the importance of finding what works to soothe you mentally, physically and emotionally.
Self-care is defined as being "actions we undertake to look after ourselves, physically, emotionally and mentally", and is far more important in this fast paced modern age. We now live in a world where everything runs at 100 mph and we hardly get any respite from the stresses we experience everyday. Therefore, whether you are affected by mental health or not, self-care and rejuvenation is important to treat yourself right.
The Blurt Foundation (an amazing charity creating understanding and awareness of depression: describe self-care as being important to empower us, remind us we're worthy and improve our hearts & health!
There are many types of Self-Care, and each individual is completely different so it's all about finding what works for you. As I am writing this, I'm curled up on my sofa with a mug of tea, watching Hercules on the telly. Writing is soothing for me, an outlet for me to vent my thoughts and opinions, but I also love to swim. The monotony of swimming up and down the lanes helps me process my anxieties and emotions.Reading is another big one for me, providing escapism from immersing myself in another world, another characters problems and life to think about other than my own.
That's just me though. You might be completely different, finding more pleasure and relaxation something more engaging.
Physical activities (ranging from an outdoor run, to even just a stroll around the block) helps increase endorphins which are necessary to elevate our mood and during can help to relive some of the symptoms of depression. Self-care also improves emotional well being, self compassion and kindness boosts self esteem. Doing things to make you feel good, will make you feel good. Counter your negative thoughts by taken at least half an hour a day to do something for yourself.
The thing is, and I have first-hand experience of this, self-care can seem completely unattainable when you are dealing with depression. The feeling of hopelessness and crushing fatigue that comes from the illness, can make it really hard to take the time to self-care. Interestingly there is actually a Psychological reason for this, the dysfunction of the frontal lobes during depression cause disruption with an individual's ability to perform executive tasks (including self-care). However, if you start small with achievable goals that increase over time, even the simplest task can help you care for yourself. Keep a routine and learn slowly to really look after yourself.
At the end of the day, the most important person in your life is you. Practice what you do for others with yourself. Start treating yourself better and spend some time being kind to yourself and doing something everyday that will provide you some relief from everything in life, including mental health problems. All it takes is one act to care for yourself and it could save you so many problems in the future.
The Blurt Foundation have challenged everyone to #365daysofselfcare. Prioritise yourself and make self-care a part of your daily routine for 365 days.
Be kind to yourselves and take the time to do something for you.
Be kind to yourselves and take the time to do something for you.
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