Friday, September 14, 2018

Beauty Standards HAVE to be Updated

I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen this jumper in the news. It's been the subject of many discussions and celebrity criticisms for it's fat-shaming nature, but if not let me break the whole situation down:

Saturday, September 8, 2018

6 Things I Learned My First Year of University

In September 2017, I started a 3 year BSc Psychology course at Royal Holloway University. No matter how hard I tried to persevere, my mental health deteriorated while there and I couldn't establish myself. I met some amazing people and learnt so much from my time there, but ultimately it was not for me. After everything I tried, I realised that this was not what I was meant to be doing and I dropped out of the course in Easter. 
I'm now preparing to go back to University, studying BSc Animal Behavioural Science at Greenwich University. I couldn't be more excited to be starting fresh and studying something I'm passionate about, but I won't forget the lessons I learnt from my previous time a uni. 

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